Bradley Rettler

Associate Professor of Philosophy
University of Wyoming
Areas: Metaphysics, Philosophy of Religion, Bitcoin/Cryptocurrency
Academic Writing
Fall 2024 - Honors Seminar: Money
Fall 2024, 2018, Spring 2022, 2020, 2013 - Introduction to Philosophy
Spring 2024, 2022, 2021, 2019, 2017, Fall 2017, 2016, 2015 - Philosophy of Religion
Spring 2024, Fall 2021, 2020 - Philosophy and Science Fiction
Fall 2023, 2021, 2018, 2014, Spring 2018 - Metaphysics
Fall 2023, Spring 2023, Fall 2019 - Critical Thinking
Fall 2022, 2020 - First Year Seminar: Philosophy as a Way of Life
Fall 2022, 2019 - Philosophy of LanguageSpring 2021 - Seminar: Money
Spring 2020 - Seminar: Divine Hiddenness
Spring 2019 - Seminar: Metametaphysics
Spring 2018 - Philosophy and Human Nature
Fall 2017 - Philosophical Ethics
Spring 2016 - Logic
Spring 2014, Fall 2013 – Moral Problems
Forthcoming. Faith and Philosophy
(with Andrew M Bailey)
17. The Presence of Evil and the Absence of God (pdf download)
Forthcoming. The Philosophy of Ted Chiang, ed David Friedell
2024. The Routledge Handbook on Properties, ed Anna-Sofia
Maurin and A.R.J. Fisher
15. Presentism, Actualism, and Fatalism
2023. Metaphysics 6(1), p.13–23
14. The Philosophy, Politics, and Economics of Cryptocurrency: Money Without State
2021. Philosophy Compass 16 (11): 1-15
(with Andrew M Bailey and Craig Warmke)
13. The Philosophy, Politics, and Economics of Cryptocurrency: The Moral Landscape of Monetary Design
2021. Philosophy Compass 16 (11): 1-15
(with Andrew M Bailey and Craig Warmke)
12. Ways of Thinking about Ways of Being
2021. Analysis 80 (4): 712–722
11. Epistemic Duty and Implicit Bias
2020. Epistemic Duties: New Arguments, New Angles. Routledge
(ed Kevin McCain & Scott Stapleford)
(with Lindsay Rettler)
10. Quantification in the Ontology Room
2019. dialectica 73 (4): 563-585
9. Bundle Theory and the Identity of Indiscernibles (a dialogue)
2019. Res Philosophica 96 (4): 495-508
(with Philip Swenson)
8. Mereological Nihilism and Puzzles about Material Objects
2018. Pacific Philosophical Quarterly 99 (4): 842-868
2018. Philosophy Compass 13 (9):e12517
2017. Canadian Journal of Philosophy 47 (5): 631-655
2017. Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy
(with Andrew M Bailey)
4. A Possible Worlds Solution to the Puzzle of Petitionary Prayer
2017. European Journal for Philosophy of Religion 9 (1): 179-186
(with Ryan Matthew Parker)
3. The General Truthmaker View of Ontological Commitment
2016. Philosophical Studies 173 (5): 1405-1425
2. Review of Ontology and Metaontology: A Contemporary Guide
2015. Notre Dame Philosophical Reviews
1. McTaggart and Indexing the Copula
2010. Philosophical Studies 158 (3): 431-434
Public Philosophy
13. Bitcoin can Protect Freedom and Help Win Elections
12. Bitcoin's Halving is a Major Spectacle - That's the Whole Point
11. Is Bitcoin Really a Bubble?
American Philosophical Association Blog
9. Bitcoin is For Anyone -- Left or Right (Archived here)
USA Today, with Andrew M Bailey and Craig Warmke
8. Bitcoin Stands Apart from other Cryptocurrencies
Cointelegraph, with Andrew M Bailey and Craig Warmke
7. Governments Should Invest in the Bitcoin Network
Newsweek, with Andrew M Bailey
5. Another Way to Think about Bitcoin's Value
Bitcoin Magazine
4. The Rich Get Richer, the Poor Get Bitcoin (PDF here)
Institute for Art and Ideas
Bitcoin Magazine, with Andrew M Bailey
2. On Confidently Misunderstanding Bitcoin
Bitcoin Magazine
1. Why Bitcoin Needs Philosophy
CoinDesk, with Andrew M Bailey and Craig Warmke
14. "Why We Make Bad Decisions", on FML FPL
13. On What Bitcoin Did
12. On the Progressive Bitcoiner Podcast
11. On Julie Mason Mornings
10. On What is Money (or podcast version)
9. On This Week in Bitcoin (or podcast version)
8. On the Digital Money Advisor Podcast
7. How Bitcoin Can Help the Poor, with Scott Melker
6. On the Cigars and Crypto Podcast
5. On the Smart People Sh*t Podcast
4. On The Breakdown Podcast
3. On the Open to Truth Podcast
2. Religious Disagreement -- a video for WY middle/high schoolers
1. Introduction to Bitcoin -- a video for WY middle/high schoolers
2. Resistance Money: A Philosophical Case for Bitcoin
2024. Routledge
(with Andrew M Bailey and Craig Warmke)
1. The Problem of Divine Personality
2024. Cambridge University Press
(with Andrew M Bailey)